Source code for chemspipy.api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Core API for interacting with ChemSpider web services.

:copyright: Copyright 2014 by Matt Swain.
:license: MIT, see LICENSE file for more details.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
from base64 import b64decode
import logging
import sys

    from lxml import etree
except ImportError:
        import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree
    except ImportError:
        import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree

import requests
import six

from . import __version__
from .errors import ChemSpiPyError, ChemSpiPyParseError, ChemSpiPyAuthError, ChemSpiPyServerError
from .errors import ChemSpiPyNotFoundError
from .search import Results
from .objects import Compound

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class BaseChemSpider(object):

    def __init__(self, security_token=None, user_agent=None, api_url=None):

        :param string security_token: (Optional) Your ChemSpider security token.
        :param string user_agent: (Optional) Identify your application to ChemSpider servers.
        log.debug('Initializing ChemSpider')
        self.api_url = api_url if api_url else ''
        self.http = requests.session()
        self.http.headers['User-Agent'] = user_agent if user_agent else 'ChemSpiPy/%s Python/%s ' % (__version__, sys.version.split()[0])
        self.security_token = security_token

    def request(self, api, endpoint, **params):
        """Construct API request and return the XML response.

        :param string api: The specific ChemSpider API to call (MassSpec, Search, Spectra, InChI).
        :param string endpoint: ChemSpider API endpoint.
        :param params: (optional) Parameters for the ChemSpider endpoint as keyword arguments.
        :rtype: xml tree
        url = '%s/%s.asmx/%s' % (self.api_url, api, endpoint)
        params['token'] = self.security_token
        log.debug('Request: %s %s', url, params)
            response =, data=params)
        except requests.RequestException as e:
            raise ChemSpiPyError(str(e))
        if response.status_code == 500:
            if 'Missing parameter: token.' in response.text:
                raise ChemSpiPyAuthError('Endpoint requires a security token.')
            elif 'Unable to get record details' in response.text:
                # Generally when requesting a non-existent CSID
                raise ChemSpiPyNotFoundError(response.text)
            elif 'Unable to get records spectra' in response.text:
                # No spectra for a CSID, shouldn't be an exception
                return []
                raise ChemSpiPyServerError(response.text)
            tree = etree.fromstring(response.content)
        except etree.ParseError as e:
            raise ChemSpiPyParseError('Unable to parse XML response: %s' % e)
        return tree

    def construct_api_url(self, api, endpoint, **params):
        """Construct a Chemspider API url, encoded, with parameters as a GET querystring.

        :param string api: The specific ChemSpider API to call (MassSpec, Search, Spectra, InChI).
        :param string endpoint: ChemSpider API endpoint.
        :param params: (optional) Parameters for the ChemSpider endpoint as keyword arguments.
        :rtype: string
        querystring = []
        for k, v in params.items():
            querystring.append('%s=%s' % (k, six.moves.urllib.parse.quote_plus(v)))
        return '%s/%s.asmx/%s?%s' % (self.api_url, api, endpoint, '&'.join(querystring))

    'CSID': ('csid', int),
    'csid': ('csid', int),
    'MF': ('molecular_formula', six.text_type),
    'SMILES': ('smiles', six.text_type),
    'InChI': ('inchi', six.text_type),
    'InChIKey': ('inchikey', six.text_type),
    'AverageMass': ('average_mass', float),
    'MolecularWeight': ('molecular_weight', float),
    'MonoisotopicMass': ('monoisotopic_mass',float),
    'NominalMass': ('nominal_mass', float),
    'ALogP': ('alogp', float),
    'XLogP': ('xlogp', float),
    'CommonName': ('common_name', six.text_type),
    'MOL2d': ('mol_2d', six.text_type),
    'MOL3d': ('mol_3d', six.text_type),
    'ReferenceCount': ('reference_count', int),
    'DataSourceCount': ('datasource_count', int),
    'PubMedCount': ('pubmed_count', int),
    'RSCCount': ('rsc_count', int),
    'ExternalReferences': ('external_references', list),
    'ds_name': ('datasource_name', six.text_type),
    'ds_url': ('datasource_url', six.text_type),
    'ext_id': ('external_id', six.text_type),
    'ext_url': ('external_url', six.text_type),
    'Status': ('status', six.text_type),
    'Count': ('count', int),
    'Message': ('message', six.text_type),
    'Elapsed': ('elapsed', six.text_type),
    'spc_id': ('spectrum_id', int),
    'spc_type': ('spectrum_type', six.text_type),

def xml_to_dict(t):
    """Convert a ChemSpider XML response to a python dict."""
    d = {}
    for child in t:
        tag = child.tag.split('}')[1]
        tag, rtype = FIELDS.get(tag, (tag, six.text_type))
        if rtype == list:
            d[tag] = [xml_to_dict(grandchild) for grandchild in child]
        elif rtype == dict:
            d[tag] = xml_to_dict(child)
            d[tag] = rtype(child.text.strip())
    return d

class MassSpecApi(BaseChemSpider):

    def get_databases(self):
        """Get the list of datasources in ChemSpider."""
        response = self.request('MassSpecApi', 'GetDatabases')
        return [el.text for el in response]

    def get_extended_compound_info(self, csid):
        """Get extended record details for a CSID. Security token is required.

        :param string|int csid: ChemSpider ID.
        response = self.request('MassSpecApi', 'GetExtendedCompoundInfo', csid=csid)
        return xml_to_dict(response)

    def get_extended_compound_info_list(self, csids):
        """Get extended record details for a list of CSIDs. Security token is required.

        :param list[string|int] csids: ChemSpider IDs.
        response = self.request('MassSpecApi', 'GetExtendedCompoundInfoArray', csids=csids)
        return [xml_to_dict(result) for result in response]

    def get_extended_mol_compound_info_list(self, csids, mol_type='e2D', include_reference_counts=False,
        """Get extended record details (including MOL) for a list of CSIDs.

        A maximum of 250 CSIDs can be fetched per request. Security token is required.

        :param list[string|int] csids: ChemSpider IDs.
        :param string mol_type: 2d, 3d or both.
        :param bool include_reference_counts: Whether to include reference counts.
        :param bool include_external_references: Whether to include external references.
        dims = {'2d': 'e2D', '3d': 'e3D', 'both': 'eBoth'}
        response = self.request('MassSpecApi', 'GetExtendedMolCompoundInfoArray', csids=csids,
                                eMolType=dims.get(mol_type, mol_type), includeReferenceCounts=include_reference_counts,
        return [xml_to_dict(result) for result in response]

    def get_record_mol(self, csid, calc3d=False):
        """Get ChemSpider record in MOL format. Security token is required.

        :param string|int csid: ChemSpider ID.
        :param bool calc3d: Whether 3D coordinates should be calculated before returning record data.
        response = self.request('MassSpecApi', 'GetRecordMol', csid=csid, calc3d=calc3d)
        return response.text

    def search_by_formula(self, formula):
        """Search ChemSpider by molecular formula.

        :param string formula: Molecular formula
        :returns: A list of Compounds.
        :rtype: list[Compound]
        response = self.request('MassSpecApi', 'SearchByFormula2', formula=formula)
        return [Compound(self, el.text) for el in response]

    def search_by_mass(self, mass, mass_range):
        """Search ChemSpider by mass +/- range.

        :param float mass: The mass to search for.
        :param float mass_range: The +/- mass range to allow.
        :returns: A list of Compounds.
        :rtype: list[Compound]
        response = self.request('MassSpecApi', 'SearchByMass2', mass=mass, range=mass_range)
        return [Compound(self, el.text) for el in response]

class SearchApi(BaseChemSpider):

    def async_simple_search(self, query):
        """Search ChemSpider with arbitrary query, returning results in order of the best match found.

        This method returns a transaction ID which can be used with other methods to get search status and results.

        Security token is required.

        :param string query: Search query - a name, SMILES, InChI, InChIKey, CSID, etc.
        :returns: Transaction ID.
        :rtype: string
        response = self.request('Search', 'AsyncSimpleSearch', query=query)
        return response.text

    def async_simple_search_ordered(self, query, order='csid', direction='ascending'):
        """Search ChemSpider with arbitrary query, returning results with a custom order.

        This method returns a transaction ID which can be used with other methods to get search status and results.

        Security token is required.

        :param string query: Search query - a name, SMILES, InChI, InChIKey, CSID, etc.
        :param string order: 'csid', 'mass_defect', 'molecular_weight', 'reference_count', 'datasource_count',
                             'pubmed_count' or 'rsc_count'.
        :param string direction: 'ascending' or 'descending'.
        :returns: Transaction ID.
        :rtype: string
        ords = {'csid': 'eCSID', 'mass_defect': 'eMassDefect', 'molecular_weight': 'eMolecularWeight',
                'reference_count': 'eReferenceCount', 'datasource_count': 'eDataSourceCount',
                'pubmed_count': 'ePubMedCount', 'rsc_count': 'eRscCount'}
        dirs = {'ascending': 'eAscending', 'descending': 'eDescending'}
        response = self.request('Search', 'AsyncSimpleSearchOrdered', query=query, orderBy=ords[order],
        return response.text

    def get_async_search_status(self, rid):
        """Check the status of an asynchronous search operation.

        Security token is required.

        :param string rid: A transaction ID, returned by an asynchronous search method.
        :returns: Unknown, Created, Scheduled, Processing, Suspended, PartialResultReady, ResultReady, Failed,
        :rtype: string
        response = self.request('Search', 'GetAsyncSearchStatus', rid=rid)
        return response.text

    def get_async_search_status_and_count(self, rid):
        """Check the status of an asynchronous search operation. If ready, a count and message are also returned.

        Security token is required.

        :param string rid: A transaction ID, returned by an asynchronous search method.
        :rtype: dict
        response = self.request('Search', 'GetAsyncSearchStatusAndCount', rid=rid)
        return xml_to_dict(response)

    def get_async_search_result(self, rid):
        """Get the results from a asynchronous search operation. Security token is required.

        :param string rid: A transaction ID, returned by an asynchronous search method.
        :returns: A list of Compounds.
        :rtype: list[Compound]
        response = self.request('Search', 'GetAsyncSearchResult', rid=rid)
        return [Compound(self, el.text) for el in response]

    def get_async_search_result_part(self, rid, start=0, count=-1):
        """Get a slice of the results from a asynchronous search operation. Security token is required.

        :param string rid: A transaction ID, returned by an asynchronous search method.
        :param int start: The number of results to skip.
        :param int count: The number of results to return. -1 returns all through to end.
        :returns: A list of Compounds.
        :rtype: list[Compound]
        response = self.request('Search', 'GetAsyncSearchResultPart', rid=rid, start=start, count=count)
        return [Compound(self, el.text) for el in response]

    def get_compound_info(self, csid):
        """Get SMILES, StdInChI and StdInChIKey for a given CSID. Security token is required.

        :param string|int csid: ChemSpider ID.
        :rtype: dict
        response = self.request('Search', 'GetCompoundInfo', csid=csid)
        return xml_to_dict(response)

    def get_compound_thumbnail(self, csid):
        """Get PNG image as binary data.

        :param string|int csid: ChemSpider ID.
        :rtype: bytes
        response = self.request('Search', 'GetCompoundThumbnail', id=csid)
        return b64decode(response.text.encode('utf-8'))

    def simple_search(self, query):
        """Search ChemSpider with arbitrary query.

        A maximum of 100 results are returned. Security token is required.

        :param string query: Search query - a name, SMILES, InChI, InChIKey, CSID, etc.
        :returns: List of Compounds.
        :rtype: list[Compound]
        response = self.request('Search', 'SimpleSearch', query=query)
        return [Compound(self, el.text) for el in response]

class SpectraApi(BaseChemSpider):

    def get_spectra_info_list(self, csids):
        """Get information about all the spectra for a list of CSIDs.

        :param list[string|int] csids: ChemSpider IDs.
        :returns: List of spectrum info.
        :rtype: list[dict]
        response = self.request('Spectra', 'GetSpectraInfoArray', csids=csids)
        return [xml_to_dict(result) for result in response]

class InchiApi(BaseChemSpider):

    def get_original_mol(self, csid):
        """Get original submitted MOL file. Security token is required.

        :param string|int csid: ChemSpider ID.
        response = self.request('InChI', 'CSIDToMol', csid=csid)
        return response.text

    # TODO
    # InChIKeyToCSID - inchi_key - csid
    # InChIKeyToInChI - inchi_key - InChI
    # InChIKeyToMol - inchi_key - Mol
    # InChIToCSID - inchi - csid
    # InChIToInChIKey - inchi - inchikey
    # InChIToMol - inchi - mol
    # InChIToSMILES - inchi - smiles
    # IsValidInChIKey - inchi_key - bool
    # MolToInChI - mol - inchi
    # MolToInChIKey - mol - inchi
    # ResolveInChIKey - inchi_key, out_format (MOL/SDF/SMILES/InChI) - list of strings
    # SMILESToInChI - smiles - inchi

class CustomApi(BaseChemSpider):

    def get_compound(self, csid):
        """Return a Compound object for a given ChemSpider ID. Security token is required.

        :param string|int csid: ChemSpider ID.
        :returns: The Compound with the specified ChemSpider ID.
        :rtype: Compound
        return Compound(self, csid)

    def get_compounds(self, csids):
        """Return a list of Compound objects, given a list ChemSpider IDs. Security token is required.

        :param list[string|int] csids: List of ChemSpider IDs.
        :returns: List of Compounds with the specified ChemSpider IDs.
        :rtype: list[Compound]
        return [Compound(self, csid) for csid in csids]

    def search(self, query):
        """Search ChemSpider for the specified query and return the results. Security token is required."""
        return Results(self, self.async_simple_search, (query,))

    # TODO: Wrappers for subscriber role asynchronous searches

[docs]class ChemSpider(CustomApi, MassSpecApi, SearchApi, SpectraApi, InchiApi): """Provides access to the ChemSpider API. See :class:`BaseChemSpider` further information. """ def __repr__(self): return 'ChemSpider(%r)' % self.security_token