
ChemSpiPy supports Python versions 2.7, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4.

There are two required dependencies: six and requests.

Option 2: Download the latest release

Alternatively, download the latest release manually and install yourself:

tar -xzvf ChemSpiPy-1.0.1.tar.gz
cd ChemSpiPy-1.0.1
python install

The command will install ChemSpiPy in your site-packages folder so it is automatically available to all your python scripts.

Option 3: Clone the repository

The latest development version of ChemSpiPy is always available on GitHub. This version is not guaranteed to be stable, but may include new features that have not yet been released. Simply clone the repository and install as usual:

git clone
cd ChemSpiPy
python install