Source code for chemspipy.objects

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Objects returned by ChemSpiPy API methods.

:copyright: Copyright 2014 by Matt Swain.
:license: MIT, see LICENSE file for more details.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division

from .utils import memoized_property, timestamp

[docs]class Compound(object): """ A class for retrieving and caching details about a specific ChemSpider record. The purpose of this class is to provide access to various parts of the ChemSpider API that return information about a compound given its ChemSpider ID. Information is loaded lazily when requested, and cached for future access. """ def __init__(self, cs, csid): """ :param ChemSpider cs: ``ChemSpider`` session. :param int|string csid: ChemSpider ID. """ self._cs = cs self._csid = int(csid) # TODO: Allow optional initialize with a record-type response from the API (kwarg or class method from_dict?). def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Compound) and self.csid == other.csid def __repr__(self): return 'Compound(%r)' % self.csid @property def csid(self): """ChemSpider ID.""" return self._csid # TODO: csid setter that clears cached properties? @property def image_url(self): """Return the URL of a PNG image of the 2D chemical structure.""" return '' % self.csid @memoized_property def _extended_compound_info(self): """Request extended compound info and cache the result.""" return self._cs.get_extended_compound_info(self.csid) @property def molecular_formula(self): """Return the molecular formula for this Compound. :rtype: string """ return self._extended_compound_info['molecular_formula'] @property def smiles(self): """Return the SMILES for this Compound. :rtype: string """ return self._extended_compound_info['smiles'] @property def inchi(self): """Return the InChI for this Compound. :rtype: string """ return self._extended_compound_info['inchi'] @property def inchikey(self): """Return the InChIKey for this Compound. :rtype: string """ return self._extended_compound_info['inchikey'] @property def average_mass(self): """Return the average mass of this Compound. :rtype: float """ return self._extended_compound_info['average_mass'] @property def molecular_weight(self): """Return the molecular weight of this Compound. :rtype: float """ return self._extended_compound_info['molecular_weight'] @property def monoisotopic_mass(self): """Return the monoisotopic mass of this Compound. :rtype: float """ return self._extended_compound_info['monoisotopic_mass'] @property def nominal_mass(self): """Return the nominal mass of this Compound. :rtype: float """ return self._extended_compound_info['nominal_mass'] @property def alogp(self): """Return the calculated AlogP for this Compound. :rtype: float """ return self._extended_compound_info['alogp'] @property def xlogp(self): """Return the calculated XlogP for this Compound. :rtype: float """ return self._extended_compound_info['xlogp'] @property def common_name(self): """Return the common name for this Compound. :rtype: string """ return self._extended_compound_info['common_name'] @memoized_property def mol_2d(self): """Return the MOL file for this Compound with 2D coordinates. :rtype: string """ return self._cs.get_record_mol(self.csid, calc3d=False) @memoized_property def mol_3d(self): """Return the MOL file for this Compound with 3D coordinates. :rtype: string """ return self._cs.get_record_mol(self.csid, calc3d=True) @memoized_property def mol_raw(self): """Return unprocessed MOL file for this Compound. :rtype: string """ return self._cs.get_original_mol(self.csid) @memoized_property def image(self): """Return a 2D depiction of this Compound. :rtype: bytes """ return self._cs.get_compound_thumbnail(self.csid) @memoized_property def spectra(self): """Return all the available spectral data for this Compound. :rtype: list[:class:`~chemspipy.Spectrum`] """ return [Spectrum.from_info_dict(self, info) for info in self._cs.get_spectra_info_list([self.csid])]
[docs]class Spectrum(object): """ A class for retrieving and caching details about a Spectrum.""" def __init__(self, cs, spectrum_id): """Initializing a Spectrum from a spectrum ID requires a subscriber role security token. :param ChemSpider cs: ``ChemSpider`` session. :param int|string spectrum_id: Spectrum ID. """ self._cs = cs self._spectrum_id = int(spectrum_id) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Spectrum) and self.spectrum_id == other.spectrum_id def __repr__(self): return 'Spectrum(%r)' % self.spectrum_id
[docs] @classmethod def from_info_dict(cls, cs, info): """Initialize a Spectrum from an info dict that has already been retrieved.""" s = cls(cs, info['spectrum_id']) s._info = info return s
@property def _spectrum_info(self): """Full spectrum info. :rtype: dict """ if not hasattr(self, '_info'): self._info = self._cs.get_spectrum_info(self._spectrum_id) return self._info @property def spectrum_id(self): """Spectrum ID. :rtype: int """ return self._spectrum_id @property def csid(self): """ChemSpider ID of related compound. :rtype: int """ return self._spectrum_info['csid'] @property def spectrum_type(self): """Spectrum type. Possible values include HNMR, CNMR, IR, UV-Vis, NIR, EI, 2D1H1HCOSY, 2D1H13CD, APCI+, R, MALDI+, 2D1H13CLR, APPI-, CI+ve, ESI+, 2D1H1HOESY, FNMR, CI-ve, ESI-, PNMR. :rtype: string """ return self._spectrum_info['spectrum_type'] @property def file_name(self): """Spectrum file name. :rtype: string """ return self._spectrum_info['file_name'] @property def comments(self): """Spectrum comments. Can be None. :rtype: string """ return self._spectrum_info.get('comments') @property def original_url(self): """Original spectrum URL. Can be None. :rtype: string """ return self._spectrum_info.get('original_url') @property def submitted_date(self): """Spectrum submitted date. :rtype: :py:class:`datetime.datetime` """ return timestamp(self._spectrum_info['submitted_date'])